From Mercola Healthy Pets
DO feed a balanced, species-appropriate diet. If you’re currently feeding inferior food to your pet, set a goal to gradually improve the quality.
DON’T feed your pet an all-day all-she-can-eat-buffet. In order to take weight off your cat or dog and keep it off, you must feed controlled portions – usually a morning and evening meal, carefully measured.
DO make sure your pet is adequately exercised on a consistent basis. Your dog or cat needs to elevate his heart rate for a minimum of 20 minutes several times a week in order to move his body into a fat-burning state. There are any number of physical activities you can involve your dog in, even during the long, cold winter months. It’s just as important to get overweight kitties moving.
DON’T believe the marketing claims of ‘low fat’ commercial pet foods. These formulas are full of carbs and fiber – exactly what your pet’s body doesn’t need.
DO factor treats you feed your pet into the daily calorie plan. Keep in mind pre-packaged commercial treats are a primary reason for excess weight in many pets. These snacks are loaded with carbs, sugar and fat and are specifically designed to create intense cravings in your dog or cat.
DO partner with an integrative or holistic veterinarian to design a weight loss plan customized for your dog or cat, and take your pet for regular wellness visits to manage her weight and her overall health.